Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Almost Postmodern

Postmodernity supposedly emerged in the 60s revolution. But really it was only in rare beings such as Ghandi and Martin Luther King in which this stage of development called Early Vision Logic (Wilber), 4th Stage of Life (Da), Yoga (Deida) emerged. For most of the others, what Wilber calls cultural creatives, they did not enter into Postmodernity. Rather they had a Modern interpretation of Post-modernity. That is why Post-modernity has often been called a continuation of Modernity. Because it is simply the truths that Martin Luther and Ghandi expressed, and were recognized to be higher truths, and therefore we attempted to integrate them into our own Modern interpretation of reality. And until this realization dawns on humanity as a whole, we can never enter into Post-modernity. This is why Post-modernity as a philosophy has been totally trashed, because the conclusion it comes to means that there is nothing higher than any given truth. But Post-modernity itself rests on the premise that its truth is higher than the truths of modernity. So the conclusion denies the premise, and Post-modernity is a contradiction.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Andrew Cohen is enlightened

Gangaji once said that Andrew Cohen had landed, this coming from a being enlightened by the grace of papaji but still dependent on that grace for her enlightenment. Andrew broke his alliance with Papaji, the question is did he get everything he needed from papaji before he left him. I think Yes and No, Papaji still required Andrew to teach his Dharma even though Andrew was given full independence from Papaji. So Andrew didn’t lose his enlightenment completely. He was 50% enlightened because he didn’t lose all of Papaji’s grace. Andrew said of Papaji that he only got half the picture, but that is true of Andrew aswell. But intact Andrew and Papaji perfectly complement each other, they are each what the other one isn’t, therefore together they make a complete Dharma. I hope that Andrew and Papaji are able to work things out so that they can both get the full picture. Because while Andrew was with Papaji he was fully enlightened, but he gave that up because he saw problems with Papaji’s Dharma. But now that Andrew has fallen from grace, perhaps he can understand that Papaji wasn’t perfect. And the lineage can be established. The lineage that goes Ramana Maharishi, Papaji, Andrew, and Myself. Papaji once said that he only saw the eyes he saw in Andrew in three people, Andrew, Himself, and his teacher Ramana. Now he sees those eyes in 4 people, all of those mentioned above and Myself.  

Friday, June 19, 2015

Reality is Truth, God, or whatever you want to call that which Exists

And so the drama goes on forever until God can’t take it anymore and decides to go back to its Absolute Singularity that it was before the Universe was born. Out of that Absolute Singularity came an Absolute Multiplicity. That Absolute multiplicity has an infinite number of forms, and is endeavouring to create all of its Ideas into Material forms. Thats right the Universe is made up of Ideas, that eventually become Material Objects. You were once an Idea, and then God created you as a Material Object. But you have the same power as God, therefore you are the incarnate form of God. The only difference is that you are bound by form, God is pure Ideas. Then you may ask how did Material form come out of Ideas. And whats more, where did the Ideas come from. Obviously it came from Reality, where else could it come from. Reality is something that you have never been out of touch with. it is the very source condition of your very consciousness. it is the Bright, the Source-Condition of Reality itself. And all our ideas of God, is pointing to this Source-Condition, this Absolute Reality of all beings everywhere.

What are you, Golden Ager, Dark Ager, Utopian, Dystopian?

The destiny of the human race, all depends on how fast I can evolve. If I can evolve past a certain speed, then the golden age will appear, and all beings will enter. If I can’t evolve past this speed, then a human utopia will emerge alongside a human dystopia, and the fast I evolve the smaller the dystopia will be. So I have a moral obligation to evolve as fast as possible for the sake of the race, and even if I don’t evolve fast enough to bring about the golden age, i would have atleast guaranteed the Golden Age for a certain number of being which will protect the Dharma. If everyone comes along the Dharma will become fully incarnate in this world, for the current time, until humanity inevitable descends into lesser ages. My hope is that my evolution is constant and unbroken so as to make sure that everybody comes along. I intuitively felt that the Golden Age was the highest goal I could aim for, but then I though it might be appropriate for the world to be divided into 2 categories of people Utopians and Dystopians. Actually I would like to categorize 3 categories, Utopians, Dystopians and Golden Agers. There is also a 4th category and I would like to categorize them as Dark Agers. The Golden and Dark Agers are of the East, the Utopian and Dystopians are of the West. And they can both co-exist simultaneously in our world. There is nothing wrong with being any of these categories. They each reach the ultimate through there respective categories. Utopians try to bring as many people as possible along but not everyone. Dystopians aim to bring everyone along but those that have the means to become Utopians. Golden Agers, try to bring everyone along, but their ordeal is most difficult. Dark Agers create a space for those that would not have a place in the world without their intervention. Everyone belongs to one of these 4 categories. No category is inherently superior to the other. they all serve a particular function. And because they all coexist simultaneously the Golden Age can never come about as a totality, because it would cancel out the rest of the categories. But the Golden Age is all the root and foundation of all 4 categories. So the Golden Age can’t help but try to bring everyone along because that is its function. But it never succeeds, the other 3 succeed always, the Golden age never succeeds as long as there is incarnation. Because the Golden Age is the pure Love of God, and that pure Love is often rejected for the other categories. The other categories exist to cater to these people who don’t want to become Golden Agers. And in a way they are right, because the Golden Age would be no fun if everyone was in it. 

Monday, June 15, 2015

World War 3

World war 3 isn’t the third World War, it is the War of 3. The three types of cultures on this planet. Eastern, Western and Middle Eastern. The destiny of the race depends on which of these cultures win. If Eastern wins, we enter the Golden Age, if Western wins, we enter into human utopia, if Middle Eastern wins we enter into the Dark Age. This has tremendous relevance for my life. If the Golden Age comes about me and my ex-girlfirend will be together for the rest of our lives. If the human utopia emerges, we will be friends for the rest of our lives. If the Dark Age comes then we will be apart for the rest of our lives. This thought I cannot bear, I will be sad for the rest of my life. I am okay with sadness, because I will become a Great Poet. Actually the first time I talked to her, I just handed her a poem that I wrote. It was obvious that I wrote it for her, but she had no way of knowing for sure. You can’t tell a girl that you like her, she won’t believe you. But I’m okay with any outcome, even if we descend into darkness, it is the will of the Divine Person. Currently the Middle Eastern is the most powerful, the Western is second, and the Eastern is third.  

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Andrew Cohen is not enlightened

Andrew Cohen is my father, and i don’t know how to reconcile this fact. Does he have Integrity, what is Integrity anyway. Just because you are given the gift of perfect Integrity does that mean you can manipulate everyone with your dharma. I’m sorry but I am not perfect. I hate you Andrew. I truly wanted to love you with everything I got. But the more I loved you the more of a monster I became. I don’t know what is right. Im only 27 years old, but I’m already a man. Andrew with his corruption said we have until 30 todo whatever we want. But there is no age that we have to decide to become a man. Just because Andrew became a man at age 30, that is the truth for all his students. That is his curse to me. But I am grateful for this curse. It makes my life more Interesting. My birth father also became a man at age 30, when he married my mother.