Friday, June 19, 2015

What are you, Golden Ager, Dark Ager, Utopian, Dystopian?

The destiny of the human race, all depends on how fast I can evolve. If I can evolve past a certain speed, then the golden age will appear, and all beings will enter. If I can’t evolve past this speed, then a human utopia will emerge alongside a human dystopia, and the fast I evolve the smaller the dystopia will be. So I have a moral obligation to evolve as fast as possible for the sake of the race, and even if I don’t evolve fast enough to bring about the golden age, i would have atleast guaranteed the Golden Age for a certain number of being which will protect the Dharma. If everyone comes along the Dharma will become fully incarnate in this world, for the current time, until humanity inevitable descends into lesser ages. My hope is that my evolution is constant and unbroken so as to make sure that everybody comes along. I intuitively felt that the Golden Age was the highest goal I could aim for, but then I though it might be appropriate for the world to be divided into 2 categories of people Utopians and Dystopians. Actually I would like to categorize 3 categories, Utopians, Dystopians and Golden Agers. There is also a 4th category and I would like to categorize them as Dark Agers. The Golden and Dark Agers are of the East, the Utopian and Dystopians are of the West. And they can both co-exist simultaneously in our world. There is nothing wrong with being any of these categories. They each reach the ultimate through there respective categories. Utopians try to bring as many people as possible along but not everyone. Dystopians aim to bring everyone along but those that have the means to become Utopians. Golden Agers, try to bring everyone along, but their ordeal is most difficult. Dark Agers create a space for those that would not have a place in the world without their intervention. Everyone belongs to one of these 4 categories. No category is inherently superior to the other. they all serve a particular function. And because they all coexist simultaneously the Golden Age can never come about as a totality, because it would cancel out the rest of the categories. But the Golden Age is all the root and foundation of all 4 categories. So the Golden Age can’t help but try to bring everyone along because that is its function. But it never succeeds, the other 3 succeed always, the Golden age never succeeds as long as there is incarnation. Because the Golden Age is the pure Love of God, and that pure Love is often rejected for the other categories. The other categories exist to cater to these people who don’t want to become Golden Agers. And in a way they are right, because the Golden Age would be no fun if everyone was in it. 

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